
Bhagavath Geetha three lines from the first chapter

1. Dhrtarastra said: Sanjaya, gathered on the sacred soil of Kurukshetra, eager to fight, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do?

2. Sanjaya said: At that time, seeing the army of the Pandavas drawn up for battle and approaching Dronacarya King Duryodhana spoke these words?

3. Behold, master, the mighty army of the sons of Pandu arrayed by your talented pupil, Dhrstadyumna, son of Drupada.

The first three lines of Bhagavath Geetha. The location is Kurkshetra. It can be in Haryana as mentioned in the present India, it can be in our body, it can be in the society, it can be in your mind…….. this kurukshetra can be the temple where you do your dharma (karmakshetra). thus it is said in the first line that dharma kshetre kuru kshetre… if these four words are rearranged it will become kshetre kshetre kuru dharmam… do your dharma in your karma mandala. This is the abstract in one line of Geetha. This message is given for every one in the world. A mother / father / son/ wife / husband / king / representatives….. let them do their dharma in the karma mandala.. in the first line itself the message given is ‘my people and other people’ – maamakaa paandavaaschaiva….. my people and other people … this vision creates problem everywhere in the society and nation mine and yours!

Sanjaya is the person who got the vision to see things internally and externally. ‘Sanjaya’ name/word means who even crossed the good and bad and reached topmost level without any biased approach in anything. That Sanjaya said the army is moving in which Duryodhana, the bad character which created this war (anywhere in inside or outside) Duryodhana told to Dronacharya see the other side mighty army under the leadership of Drushtadyumna… the prime point we should remember here is ‘instead looking to the other side always we should correct after analysing our side’ Duryodhana was worried always about the other side. Sometimes we are also like that Remember mighty warriors/ leaders and 12 akshouhini soldiers were with Duryodhana weak warriors and 7 akshouhini solders only were with pandavas. Even then Pandavas won the battle because in India it is not survival of the fittest, it is the survival of the noblest which always worked.

To be continued


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