Bhagavad Gita for the modern life -4. Swami Udit Chaithanya


Bhagavad Gita for the modern life: 4.

Today we will see the next fault of the egoistic consciousness called LOBHA or GREED. If we consider life about 50 yrs ago we have grown to lot more in technological advances, facilities and luxuries. As man moved from getting more…... to wanting more and more…..he has lost his ability to see what is “necessary necessity” and what is “unnecessary necessity”.
Ranging from the most basic greed for food, our greed for money, power, fame, property, love, acceptance etc.etc… never ending. We even pray for these never ending demands hoping God will provide if we “bribe” HIM. This greed leads to breaking the law, dishonesty, cheating, using others, habitual lying, callous behavior, lack of remorse and a range of behaviors that remove us indirectly from DIVINE qualities. That is why Krishna says in BG 16:21 that lust, anger, and greed (Kama/ krodha/ lobha) are the three gateways to hell for sure. The suffering will come immediately or later in life for sure.

Today’s lesson:
 Anything we use more than we need is toxic and rightfully belongs to someone else. As we recklessly exploit the nature, we are creating a world without water/ air . Nature will survive, but man will be dispensed. At every point in life as you indulge…...think…..”do I need to be this aggressive, in acquiring things?” Be sure everything you do is a “necessary necessity”. Teach your children the value of what they have, by showing them the less fortunate and teaching them to care for other people’s basic needs. It is only when your needs minimize that you are always in abundance

To be continued ...


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