Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings - Sri Swami Sivananda


2. Student Life-1.

Sri Krishna received his instructions from Sandipani, a sage of Avantipura. He lived with his teacher like an ordinary student. He was meek, humble and obedient. He led a laborious life. He gathered fuel from the woods for his preceptor’s household. He inspired his classmates with love. Sudama was Sri Krishna’s classmate. Sudama was later on known by the name of Kuchela.

Sri Krishna had wonderful retentive memory. If he heard anything once, he would retain it in memory, however difficult it might be. He mastered the sixty-four arts in sixty-four days.

He was matchless in physical strength. He learnt the art of archery and military science under his teacher. When his school career was over, at the request of his teacher, he rescued his teacher’s son from Panchajanya, a sea-monster, by whom the boy had been carried away. Krishna slew Panchajanya and took away his conch ‘Panchajanya’, rescued the boy from Yama, and handed him over to his teacher.
Embodiment of Mercy

Lord Krishna appeared as Para-Brahman before the sages, as the supreme Reality before the Yogis, as the Lord of Beauty before the Gopis, as Warrior before the warriors, as a child before Vasudeva and Devaki, as the Lord of Death before Kamsa, as King of kings (Samrat) before the kings, according to the view and understanding of the seer or subject. The object is the same. It appears different according to the view-point of the beholder.

To be continued ..


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