'Talks with Sri Ramana Maharishi' - 10.


1.Talks 363

Sri Ramana Maharshi:. There is a stanza in Kaivalya:
“My Lord! You had remained as my Self within, protecting me in all my past incarnations. Now, by your Grace, you have manifested yourself as my master and revealed yourself as the Self ."
Just see what happens in sleep. There is no ego, no India, no seekers, no master, etc.; and yet you are - and happy too. The ego, India, seekers, etc., appear now; but they are not apart from nor independent of you.

2. Talk-518.

For the seeker’s silence  Guru’s silence is the loudest upadesa.
It is also Grace in its highest form.
All other dikshas (initiations),  e.g., sparsa, chakshus  are derived from mowna (silence).
They are therefore secondary.
Mowna is the primary form.
If the Guru is silent  the seeker’s mind gets purified by itself.

3. (From 'Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi' 634)

D.: I have no pleasure in the house. There remains nothing for me to do in the family. I have finished doing what I had to do. Now there are grandsons and granddaughters. May I remain in the house, or should I leave it and go away?
M.: You should stay just where you are now. But where are you now? Are you in the house, or is the house in you? Is there any house apart from you? If you get fixed in your own place, you will see all things have merged into you, and there will be no cause for such questions as these.
D.: Yes. Then it seems as if I may remain at home.
M.: You must remain in your real state.

Sri Ramakrishnasramam
To be continued  ..


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