The Thing To Be Known -2.

It is in dualities that we have inner and outer—action and inaction, remembrance and forgetfulness. In that state of absolute faith in the non-dual, all-pervading presence of the one Reality that is subtler than the subtlest, the self-created delusion of distinctions and the self-created delusion of the dual throng, the pairs of opposites, cease to exist, and God alone exists. So there is no possibility of there being such thoughts and such concepts as near and far, past and present, inner and outer, presence and absence, when whatever is is an eternal, all-pervading, non-dual IS of the Supreme Being.

Modern science prides itself in being impartial observers and relentless pursuers of truth. They want facts, facts that are verifiable, tangible, reproducible any number of times given the same circumstances. So they say, "We are the seekers of truth. We are in search of practical realities, of verifiable and provable facts, not in presumptions or assumptions." They are seekers in pursuit of tangible facts, and they have marvellously succeeded in making themselves aware of ever so many facts in ever so many fields of human knowledge in this outer universe.

Swami Chidananda.
To be continued  ...


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