BHAKTI-YOGA : Swami Vivekananda
========================================================================= Saturday, January 21, 2023. 06:00. BHAKTI-YOGA : Swami Vivekananda (New Discoveries, Vol. 3, pp. 543-54.) [A bhakti-yoga class delivered in New York, Monday morning, January 20, 1896, and recorded by Mr. Josiah J. Goodwin] ========================================================================= #National Youth Day 2023: Visakhapatnam We finished in our last [class the subject] about Pratikas. One idea more of the preparatory Bhakti, and then we will go on to the Parâ, the Supreme. This idea is what is called Nishthâ, devotion to one idea. We know that all these ideas of worship are right and all good, and we have seen that the worship of God, and God alone, is Bhakti. The worship of any other being will not be Bhakti, but God can be worshipped in various forms and through various ideas. And we have seen that all these ideas are right and good, but the difficulty is here: If we just stop with this last concl...