Purpose of Life - 4. Swami Sivananda
================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/05/20230. Post-4. -------------------------------------------- 1. Humanity can hope for peace when this condition, discovered and laid down by the Rishis, viz., abiding by the law of the Divine is fulfilled. Peace can be had only to the extent that the system of the Divine is adhered to in life. And this peace is inversely proportional to the love of body, individuality and its relations in the world, in which humanity is generally steeped. An 'awakening' of a higher consciousness is necessary so that disorder and discontent may be abolished. ------------------------------------------------ 2. Education of humanity in the right direction is the precondition of world peace. Materialism, atheism, scepticism and agnosticism which are rampant in these days and which have robbed man of his reverence for the Supreme Absolute are ma...