LAWS OF PROSPERITY IN THE HOME : 9-5. Swami Chidananda

25/02/2017. 9. Manifestations of Lakshmi in the Home- 5.2 5. Hospitality to the Atithi (unexpected guest)-Continued .. There are two more things which are peculiarly Hindu and in which Goddess Lakshmi manifests Herself. One is the sacred Tulasi (basil) plant. No home should ever be without the Tulasi. For this is one of the living forms in which Goddess Lakshmi is present upon earth. She is the direct Vibhuti (manifestaton) of the Divine Lord. I may say that the Maharashtrians are very particular about this; every home will have at least a small pot where the Tulasi plant grows. The moment you enter the house, you will see the Tulasi plant. The Mother blesses such families where She is worshipped in this form. No Maharashtian Grihalakshmi will ever take anything until she has at least offered a flower or burnt a little camphor or done one Pradakshina (circumambulation) and bowed her head in devout salutation to Tulasi-Devi. To be continued ...