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THE STORY OF PRAHLADA: Swami Vivekananda

============================================================================= Friday 06, September 2024, 05:30. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume-4 Lectures and Discourses (Delivered in California) ============================================================================== Hiranyakashipu was the king of the Daityas. The Daityas, though born of the same parentage as the Devas or gods, were always, at war with the latter. The Daityas had no part in the oblations and offerings of mankind, or in the government of the world and its guidance. But sometimes they waxed strong and drove all the Devas from the heaven, and seized the throne of the gods and ruled for a time. Then the Devas prayed to Vishnu, the Omnipresent Lord of the universe, and He helped them out of their difficulty. The Daityas were driven out, and once more the gods reigned. Hiranyakashipu, king of the Daityas, in his turn, succeeded in conquering his cousins, the Devas, and seated himself on the throne of the he

Quest for Peace: Sri Swami Chidananda

=================================================================================== Thursday 05, September 2004, 05:30. Quest for Peace:  Sri Swami Chidananda Divine Life Society =================================================================================== We talk constantly about peace–it is one of the most popular topics of discussion in the world today. Peace between nations, peace in our societies, peace in our schools, peace in our families, peace within ourselves. Yet, although billions of dollars and millions of hours are spent each year on think tanks, brainstorming sessions and international conferences, this much-desired peace continues to elude us. What is the secret of finding this elusive treasure? Let us discuss it. Because without peace both inner and outer–all is meaningless. We can spend millions of dollars building posh downtown centres in our cities, but if we are at war with another country, they will bomb that centre to ashes in a second. We can spend thousan

What is Hinduism: Swami Krishnananda

=============================================================================== Wednesday 04, September 2024, 05:30. Article Spirituality What is Hinduism:  Swami Krishnananda =============================================================================== If you travel from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari and ask all the Hindus to tell you what Hinduism is, they will not be able to tell you. They will say that they are Hindus, but they will not be able to say what Hinduism is because they are floating on the surface of the outer religious performance and ritual, and its in-depth significance has not gone into their minds. You will find this problem everywhere, perhaps in every religion. Whether they are Muslims, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists, if you ask them what the essence of their religion is, they will scratch their heads and will not answer anything. They cannot give a reply. They will never be able to answer this question because they have not taken the time to properly think abou